Bentley Hudgins
Atlanta, GA
31 years old
Reference ID #2d826a860320c08d
Submitted on April 06, 2022, 06:45PM
Submission Details
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First Name
Bentley |
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Last Name
Hudgins |
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What are your preferred pronouns?
they/them |
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6782152057 |
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Email |
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Atlanta |
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Georgia |
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Date of birth
1993-07-29 (31 years old) |
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Which office are you seeking? Please include the office's full title, including district number, and the state where you are running.
Georgia State House District 90 |
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Why are you running for this office?
My name is Bentley Hudgins. I believe that your vote matters. I’m running to make sure that it counts. I am an Asian American union member, organizer and community builder. For Over a decade, I have done the real work of standing up for our communities when our leaders have failed to do the right thing. I’ve protected workers from employment discrimination, organized for the elimination of cash bail in Atlanta and Dekalb county, and helped thousands of our neighbors get vaccinated when our state leaders failed to do their jobs. At the New Georgia Project, as their political strategist, I defeated Brian Kemp’s budget cuts to our state public defender budget. And spent countless hours registering our neighbors to vote to make sure that every single person in our community can exercise their fundamental right to participate in free and fair elections. I have a proven track record of providing real solutions by standing up for the most vulnerable among us, even when it isn’t easy. To be frank, I’m tired of my friends dying. I am tired of visiting friends in the ICU, and I am tired of lawmakers who don’t understand the urgency of our needs. Our communities have hopes and dreams for a future where we can prosper together. I am ready for real policy change. I want material benefits that make our lives better in the present. I want all of us to be respected and treasured. |
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What issues are most important to you?
My Values:
I believe that collective action is the central to creating collective good. As the State Representative for Georgia’s 90th District, I will continue to organize for a future where our shared values are affirmed with state policy and concrete change. Also, I have written up long-form explainers for each of these values with policy recommendations and research at |
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What makes you a unique candidate for this office?
When elected, I will be the first Japanese American and the first non-binary/trans candidate in the South to hold a state legislative seat. I am a disabled person, a drag queen and someone who still believed that every single vote matters. I’ve already been able to pass legislation at every level on government by organizing. This time, I want to be the one authoring and introducing it. |
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Please list all important dates for your candidacy (caucuses, primary, general, filing window - anything that's pertinent)
May 2 - Early Voting
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Is your election partisan? Please describe.
Yes. |
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If you have an affiliation with a party, please describe.
I am registered Democratic candidate. |
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Describe your biggest challenges at this point.
The biggest challenge is that we are a nontraditional campaign, running without establishment support, fundraising during COVID, inflation and an rising international crisis. |
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Campaign website |
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TikTok link
@bentley4georgia |
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Instagram link
@bentley4georgia |
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Facebook link
@bentley4georgia |
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Twitter link
@bentley4georgia |
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LinkedIn link |
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What is your occupation (if applicable)?
Strategic Communications, GA AFL-CIO. |
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Why do you think you'll win?
We are running a highly strategic field plan, built on relational organizing, an ambitious canvassing operation and innovative approach to digital. We are a campaign powered for and by the e New American Majority. |
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Who is your campaign manager? (if applicable) Please list their name, phone, and email
Bridgemon Bolger
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Please describe your campaign staff and/or core supporters - who else is on the team? How are you connected to them? What is their role?
Our team are BIPOC, queer people, immigrants, union members, disabled people and young folks. Our core supporters are working class Black people, voting rights advocates and union members. |
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Describe any other close friends in your world who may not be involved in the campaign.
The Atlanta drag community, local business owners |
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What organizations, if any, are assisting you with your campaign?
No organizations are legally allowed to coordinate with our campaign. |
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If you have a clear opponent(s), please list their names and parties (if applicable). Please include likely candidates, even if they haven't yet declared.
Stewart Parnacott, Peter Hubbard, Michelle Schreiner, Saira Draper |
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Please upload your standard political photograph.
Click to enlarge 565EEC33-242F-4599-B726-E8FBB08A3ADB.jpeg |
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Please upload a picture of your campaign manager (if applicable).
Click to enlarge E1278A8C-C7AE-4DC1-882C-7BCE03C20BF5.jpeg |
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Please upload a picture of a close friend or family member who is helping your campaign.
Click to enlarge 0BD6037C-D036-4839-A12E-0E398D3AE53A.jpeg |
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Please upload a picture of any close friend or family member. (They don't have to be involved with the campaign)
Click to enlarge 6F4EBD72-9939-4B90-BD8C-546D50768236.jpeg |
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Eligibility Requirements and Release
Agreed on 04-06-2022 |
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If you agree with the release above, please sign below.
Signed on 04-06-2022 |