Michelle Brandt
Charleston, SC
36 years old
Reference ID #76acbd4446cd090f
Submitted on March 20, 2022, 07:36PM
Submission Details
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First Name
Michelle |
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Last Name
Brandt |
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What are your preferred pronouns?
She/Her |
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4434154788 |
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michelle14brandt@gmail.com |
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Charleston |
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South Carolina |
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Date of birth
1988-06-29 (36 years old) |
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Which office are you seeking? Please include the office's full title, including district number, and the state where you are running.
South Carolina State House Representative District 114 |
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Why are you running for this office?
In 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, I volunteered with Charleston Hope, a local non-profit that works with title one schools, to distribute food downtown. Volunteering has become an important part of how I give back and teach my children to serve the community. That day It was about 92 degrees, a very hot day, and as I and a group of about 20 others handed out groceries on America Street in the projects, a man rode up on a bike and politely asked me for food. He said he couldn’t take them because he didn’t own a refrigerator. As he peddled away, I wondered what that might be like in all of this heat and in life in general.. to not have a refrigerator. It got me thinking how many other people don’t have a refrigerator, how many people live without electricity and I wondered what I could do about it. I want to be a part of making systemic changes to tackle these issues in South Carolina. That’s when I decided to run for State House District 114 because I want to create affordable housing, fix flooding in our community, and improve our schools. |
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What issues are most important to you?
Affordable housing, education and flooding. |
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What makes you a unique candidate for this office?
I believe that better decisions are made when there are different voices at the table. If elected, I would be the first black woman to hold this office in district 114. We need more diversity in the State House of South Carolina, not just in race, but in age, social economic status, and career. As a wife and mother of a 6 and 4 year old, I understand what it's like raising a family in 2022 and the difficult decisions parents make every day. My leadership will promote more creative solutions to address the various issues facing the Charleston Area. |
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Please list all important dates for your candidacy (caucuses, primary, general, filing window - anything that's pertinent)
Primary 06/14/2022; General 11/08/2022; Filling Window March 16-30. |
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Is your election partisan? Please describe.
Yes, I am running as a democrat against the republican incumbent. |
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If you have an affiliation with a party, please describe.
I am a democrat because they align more with my values. Democrats advocate for inclusivity and equity. They tend to listen to people to understand the many facets of problems we face in our country. Democrats usually have empathy and compassion for others and they believe diversity is our country's strength. |
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Describe your biggest challenges at this point.
Raising money has been a challenge for me because I am a first time candidate and I don't have the background or network of the typical white, male candidate. The contributions I receive are smaller and so my campaign is more grassroots. It's not impossible but it's definitely harder to raise more money though. Another challenge is that I am running as a democrat in a gerrymandered red district in the south. I will have to convince swing voters, independents, and moderate republicans to vote for me. |
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Campaign website
https://michelleforsc.com |
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TikTok link
https://www.tiktok.com/@michellebfor114 |
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Instagram link
https://www.instagram.com/michelleforsc/ |
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Facebook link
https://www.facebook.com/michelleforsc |
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Twitter link
https://twitter.com/michelleforsc |
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LinkedIn link
https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-brandt-43237121/ |
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What is your occupation (if applicable)?
Content Creator for Mom.com |
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Why do you think you'll win?
I think I will win because I already knew I was going to have to work 20 times harder to be taken seriously and so far that is working. People in my community and the democrats in the county party are starting to take me more seriously. I plan on doing everything I can to win. I will knock on every door I can and call every voter in my district. I am working hard to meet my fundraising goals everyday. The incumbent is currently underestimating my campaign which is good. That way I can work diligently under her radar and surprise her before she catches on that I'm serious. |
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Who is your campaign manager? (if applicable) Please list their name, phone, and email
Noah Barker- 803-729-7503; Noah@eighthstatestrategies.com |
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Please describe your campaign staff and/or core supporters - who else is on the team? How are you connected to them? What is their role?
Noah Barker is my campaign consultant/manager. I received his resume from another candidate. He is the backbone of my campaign and he experience working on campaigns.
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Describe any other close friends in your world who may not be involved in the campaign.
Molly Langdon is my best friend from Washington State. She's helping me do research on my opponent and she helps me think through various things related to my campaign. Erika Greco is another friend of mine who is great at photography but so far she has been great to bounce ideas off of and to listen to me vent. Rev. Christian King is my mentor. She has run for office before and she has said she'll help me with anything I need moving forward. |
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What organizations, if any, are assisting you with your campaign?
I was endorsed by Run for Something and the Elect Black Women PAC |
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If you have a clear opponent(s), please list their names and parties (if applicable). Please include likely candidates, even if they haven't yet declared.
Linda Bennett - Republican |
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Please upload your standard political photograph.
Click to enlarge JTF_3917.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of your campaign manager (if applicable).
Click to enlarge noah.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of a close friend or family member who is helping your campaign.
Click to enlarge Hunter.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of any close friend or family member. (They don't have to be involved with the campaign)
Click to enlarge Rev.jpg |
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Eligibility Requirements and Release
Agreed on 03-20-2022 |
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If you agree with the release above, please sign below.
Signed on 03-20-2022 |