Preston Parra
Villa rica , GA
23 years old
Reference ID #761e6d409416c453
Submitted on March 22, 2022, 03:46PM
Submission Details
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First Name
Preston |
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Last Name
Parra |
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What are your preferred pronouns?
No response |
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7708915761 |
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Email |
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Villa rica |
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Georgia |
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Date of birth
2001-12-20 (23 years old) |
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Which office are you seeking? Please include the office's full title, including district number, and the state where you are running.
State House of Representative's District 64 |
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Why are you running for this office?
To employ the agenda of values that built this country. |
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What issues are most important to you?
Election integrity, economic development, protecting life and the second amendment, and well as fighting socialism. |
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What makes you a unique candidate for this office?
I’m a first generation American from an immigrated family, a soldier in the US ARMY, and a member of the minority community. |
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Please list all important dates for your candidacy (caucuses, primary, general, filing window - anything that's pertinent)
Primary May 24 Court April 4th to combat election challenge November 3/8 General |
14 |
Is your election partisan? Please describe.
Yes, Republican. |
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If you have an affiliation with a party, please describe.
Republican conservative. |
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Describe your biggest challenges at this point.
The old good ole boy establishment trying to sue me out of the race. |
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Campaign website |
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TikTok link
Theprestonparra |
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Instagram link
Theprestonparra |
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Facebook link
Preston Parra for State House |
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Twitter link
Theprestonparra |
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LinkedIn link
No response |
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What is your occupation (if applicable)?
Soldier/Activist |
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Why do you think you'll win?
Raised more money than both candidates combined, have more momentum and confidence of supports than anyone involved, and I have the motivation to fight this thing and win. |
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Who is your campaign manager? (if applicable) Please list their name, phone, and email
David Allen 770-815-6445 |
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Please describe your campaign staff and/or core supporters - who else is on the team? How are you connected to them? What is their role?
Sean Carpenter is our grassroots director and also a very young guy himself. |
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Describe any other close friends in your world who may not be involved in the campaign.
Coleton furlow, works for CPAC and is actively involved in conservative outreach. Cooper Whitmire is a young field rep for Turning Point Action that targets young people to run for office. Ashley Martin is a senate intern who uses social media to speak to young people about growing issues in our country. |
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What organizations, if any, are assisting you with your campaign?
Run Gen z, Turning Point Action, and that’s it. |
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If you have a clear opponent(s), please list their names and parties (if applicable). Please include likely candidates, even if they haven't yet declared.
Shane Miller Kimberly New |
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Please upload your standard political photograph.
Click to enlarge 075CE708-4974-43C6-8FDF-B3BFBFE72999.jpeg |
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Please upload a picture of your campaign manager (if applicable).
No photo uploaded |
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Please upload a picture of a close friend or family member who is helping your campaign.
No photo uploaded |
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Please upload a picture of any close friend or family member. (They don't have to be involved with the campaign)
No photo uploaded |
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Eligibility Requirements and Release
Agreed on 03-22-2022 |
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If you agree with the release above, please sign below.
Signed on 03-22-2022 |