Corren Brown
Washington, DC
32 years old
Reference ID #9e9114d1e74a172a
Submitted on April 25, 2022, 11:36AM
Submission Details
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First Name
Corren |
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Last Name
Brown |
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What are your preferred pronouns?
She Her |
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3019283219 |
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Email |
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Washington |
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District of Columbia |
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Date of birth
1992-11-28 (32 years old) |
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Which office are you seeking? Please include the office's full title, including district number, and the state where you are running.
Mayor of the District of Columbia |
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Why are you running for this office?
They say be the change you want to see. Seeing the city I grew up in and love, thrive and not only be a beacon of greatness it once was. But an example of greatness and a positive, brighter future for all. Right down to the homeless guy in the tent. Enough is enough, their have been too many politicians to come in just to build wealth off the backs of the people without returning or pouring anything back in to the community. I know I can make a change and I wont stop until every voice is heard, until poverty is reconciled, and until education and our children are back in the for front, until we are a community that encompasses and embraces all of its people. The citizens and I can make DC better, we will make DC better together. |
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What issues are most important to you?
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What makes you a unique candidate for this office?
Not only am I young, determined and ambitious but I can bridge the gap between the older and younger generation and also the middle class and the upper class. I can help bring the District residents together so that everyone can excel. |
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Please list all important dates for your candidacy (caucuses, primary, general, filing window - anything that's pertinent)
Primary June 21, 2022
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Is your election partisan? Please describe.
Yes. There are different political parties running and on the ballot. The candidates will have the affiliation by their name. |
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If you have an affiliation with a party, please describe.
DC Statehood Green Party |
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Describe your biggest challenges at this point.
I am new to the political scene. Also I previously was a correctional officer and people consider that the police and there is a disconnection between law enforcement and residents so I receive a lot of criticism. |
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Campaign website |
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TikTok link
corren4dc |
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Instagram link
correnfordc |
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Facebook link
Corren Brown For DC Mayor |
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Twitter link
Correnfordc |
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LinkedIn link
Corren Brown |
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What is your occupation (if applicable)?
No response |
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Why do you think you'll win?
Me |
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Who is your campaign manager? (if applicable) Please list their name, phone, and email
No response |
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Please describe your campaign staff and/or core supporters - who else is on the team? How are you connected to them? What is their role?
David Schwartzman- he is in my party and always helps with any task that i need. He helped me get my signatures and always appear at events and things. |
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Describe any other close friends in your world who may not be involved in the campaign.
LeniquaDominique Jenkins- She is running for council at large but she always makes sure to keep me on top of things and make sure I am ok and don't need help with anything. |
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What organizations, if any, are assisting you with your campaign?
Th DC Statehood Green Party |
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If you have a clear opponent(s), please list their names and parties (if applicable). Please include likely candidates, even if they haven't yet declared.
Trayon White Democrat
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Please upload your standard political photograph.
Click to enlarge Photo Jul 06, 2 37 35 PM.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of your campaign manager (if applicable).
Click to enlarge Photo Jul 06, 2 48 21 PM.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of a close friend or family member who is helping your campaign.
No photo uploaded |
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Please upload a picture of any close friend or family member. (They don't have to be involved with the campaign)
Click to enlarge howard banner.jpg |
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Eligibility Requirements and Release
Agreed on 04-25-2022 |
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If you agree with the release above, please sign below.
Signed on 04-25-2022 |