Hannah Toth
Fountain Hills, AZ
26 years old
Reference ID #90d73c659359474e
Submitted on April 27, 2022, 12:21AM
Submission Details
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First Name
Hannah |
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Last Name
Toth |
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What are your preferred pronouns?
No response |
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6025417919 |
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hannahtoth29@outlook.com |
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Fountain Hills |
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Arizona |
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Date of birth
1998-11-29 (26 years old) |
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Which office are you seeking? Please include the office's full title, including district number, and the state where you are running.
Fountain Hills Town Council
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Why are you running for this office?
Fountain Hills is my hometown. I was born and raised here, and unfortunately have seen a not-so-uncommon pattern of the Town Council not listening to the concerns of those they are elected to represent. After 2020, it became increasingly clear to me that more "normal" citizens needed to step up in all levels of government. I got tired of complaining about it, or waiting for an "adult" to swoop in and fix things, and decided to do it myself. |
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What issues are most important to you?
1. Sign Ordinance - After the peak of the 2020 lockdowns, our town council passed a "sign ordinance" preventing businesses from advertising. As we know, the COVID lockdowns hit local businesses very hard, so this ordinance added insult to injury to business owners just trying to keep the lights on. It's very important to me to revisit this and fix it as possible for the sake of our business community.
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What makes you a unique candidate for this office?
Fountain Hills, Arizona has a median age of 59. I'm (to my knowledge) the youngest person to run for office in Fountain Hills at 23 years old. I'm also the only candidate to have been born and raised in Fountain Hills (incorporated 1989). |
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Please list all important dates for your candidacy (caucuses, primary, general, filing window - anything that's pertinent)
Filing Deadline - April 4th
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Is your election partisan? Please describe.
Non-Partisan local election, so election day works a bit differently. On the August 2nd primary, we'll be on both the Republican and Democrat ballots. There are 3 seats open for Town Council and 4 candidates running, so if 3 candidates get 50% of the voter pool +1 vote, the seats will be filled and there will be no run-off. If only 1 or 2 candidates get that percentage of the vote, we move onto November to fill the remaining seats. |
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If you have an affiliation with a party, please describe.
I am a Republican. Despite this being a non-partisan election, I am very open about my leanings, as I believe it's important for people to know where I stand. For this election, we have a "slate" of 3 Conservative candidates |
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Describe your biggest challenges at this point.
1. Age - While there are a lot of residents who are very excited to see a change to the status quo, a lot of work in my campaign goes to fighting to be taken seriously despite my age.
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Campaign website
https://www.tothfortowncouncil.com/ |
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TikTok link
No response |
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Instagram link
https://www.instagram.com/hannahirene29/?hl=en |
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Facebook link
https://www.facebook.com/hannahtoth29 |
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Twitter link
https://mobile.twitter.com/hannahtoth29 |
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LinkedIn link
No response |
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What is your occupation (if applicable)?
Executive Assistant for Arizona Women of Action and Business Owner (Unforgettable Outcomes - events co.) |
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Why do you think you'll win?
We have a huge amount of residents helping the slate of 3 candidates, and I'm also out doorknocking as often as possible. I need 5,000 votes to win - and with hard work and the help of the various clubs in town, I absolutely believe I'll win. |
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Who is your campaign manager? (if applicable) Please list their name, phone, and email
Me |
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Please describe your campaign staff and/or core supporters - who else is on the team? How are you connected to them? What is their role?
While there's not really any official roles (this is a very grassroots campaign), this is the Toth for Town Council Team:
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Describe any other close friends in your world who may not be involved in the campaign.
Stephanie & Summer - We've been friends since Kindergarten, and while they live in different states now, one in Hawaii and one in Florida, we've remained very close
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What organizations, if any, are assisting you with your campaign?
ROT - Reclaim Our Town is a citizen-led PAC that just formed a week ago! They are working on specific issues and endorse the slate of 3 that I'm on.
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If you have a clear opponent(s), please list their names and parties (if applicable). Please include likely candidates, even if they haven't yet declared.
Cindy Couture - Democrat |
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Please upload your standard political photograph.
Click to enlarge HToth2021-21 2.jpg |
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Please upload a picture of your campaign manager (if applicable).
No photo uploaded |
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Please upload a picture of a close friend or family member who is helping your campaign.
Click to enlarge IMG_BE7063F442C1-1.jpeg |
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Please upload a picture of any close friend or family member. (They don't have to be involved with the campaign)
Click to enlarge IMG_2219.PNG |
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Eligibility Requirements and Release
Agreed on 04-27-2022 |
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If you agree with the release above, please sign below.
Signed on 04-27-2022 |